Black Garlic North America™ 

Frequently Asked Questions

Black Garlic Early Morning

№. 1 - What is black garlic?

№. 2 - What does it taste like?

№. 3 - What makes Black Garlic chewy?

№. 4 - Why is Black Garlic Sweet?

№. 5 - How is Black Garlic sold?

№. 6 - How is Black Garlic used in cooking?

№. 7 - What is the history of Black Garlic?

№. 8 - How is it made?

№. 9 - Does all Black Garlic Taste the same?

№. 10 - Why do the bulbs look different throughout the year?

№. 11 - Do you import Garlic from overseas?

№. 12 - Why not just use Garlic solely from the USA?

№. 13 - What are the health benefits of black garlic?

№. 14 - Why should I buy Black Garlic from Black Garlic North America?

№. 15 - Why is it black?

№. 16 - How should I store my Black Garlic?

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