black garlic North America is an
sqf-certified site
We are Certified Level 2 to the SQF (Safe Quality Foods) Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).
Each year, Black Garlic North America’s facility and food safety program is audited by Safe Quality Foods.
About SQF, in their own words: “The Safe Quality Food (SQF) Program is a rigorous and credible food safety and quality program that is recognized by retailers, brand owners, and food service providers world-wide… This rigorous farm-to-fork food safety and quality certification also helps food producers assure their buyers that their food products meet the highest possible global food safety standards.”
Read more about Safe Quality Foods Certifications at SQFI.com.
mosa certified organic black garlic
Our Organic Black Garlic is Certified Organic by MOSA.
About MOSA, in their own words: “MOSA began in 1999 before the National Organic Standards were yet developed and MOSA, like certifiers across the country, used their own set of standards to determine organic qualifications. The National Organic Standards were implemented in 2002, and MOSA was among the very first USDA accredited agencies. MOSA is a fiscally-sound, stable, and well-respected nonprofit certification agency…. [they] work in partnership with the Accredited Certifiers Association, the National Organic Program, the National Organic Standards Board, Organic Materials Review Institute, and others.”
kosher-certified black garlic
Black Garlic from Black Garlic North America is Kosher-Certified by Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin.
About Kosher Supervisors, in their own words: “Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin strives to provide the highest quality standard for Kosher certification for companies and establishments that wish to offer Kosher product to the consumer…Foods are considered kosher when prepared in accordance with the Jewish dietary laws. These laws are complex; supervision by a competent Rabbi is required.”
Read more about Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin at KosherWisconsin.com.